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Informasjonen på denne siden gjelder for kunder som er fotografert av Foto H2 og ønsker å kjøpe bilder fra fotograferingen.
Bilder fra fotograferingen blir tilsendt som link i e-post og presenteres i egen løsning.

Ordering digital files


  1. See overview of prices and sizes of digital files.

  2. Mark the images you want delivered as a digital file with a heart symbol in the slide show that you receive from bizfoto after shooting.

  3. Describe the size you want the files delivered in, large or small, and then send an e-mail to post @ bizfoto, or use the message via the contact form on this website.

  4. You will then receive a payment claim via vipps as a private person, or an invoice if you are a corporate customer.

  5. The images are then delivered in the same solution as for reviewing the images. The images can now be downloaded for your own free use.​

Cafe Collage
Ordering print on photo paper or canvas.


To order a print, you must refer to the name of the image. You will find this under the image in full view in the image view you have received, and it looks like this; MG_9999.jpg. Numbers will differ and be unique for each image. When referring to the image, it is sufficient to enter the four digits and not the other letters.

Bizfoto delivers frames in several sizes and qualities.
Fixed price for framing is NOK 300, - incl. VAT.
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